Advertising Rates and Information


Vertical ad, 240 pixels x 400 pixels.

One premium sized ad per ezine. This ad size will be bidded off if there is multiple interest.

Starting at $29.70

Flat Banner Ad

Up to three per ezine, usually placed below content.

Horizontal ad 468 pixels x 60 pixels.

$23.76 per month

Other Ad sizes

$17.82 per month

$11.88 per month

$5.94 per month

Current Stats

Current ezine subscriber rate: 173
Average open rate: 37%

Number of blog visitors in the month of May: 436

Current Friends of Painting for Life ezine subscriber rate: 1,015
Average open rate: 25%


Benefits include: Placement on both the ezine and the weblog. ezine is mailed once a week. You will also get a spot on the huge Friends of Painting for Life ezine, mailed once a month.

1. Ad prices are based upon several market factors, including popularity of ad space, number of current subscribers to both and Friends of Painting for Life, etc. Ad prices are subject to change without notice.

2. Current ad rates and ezine stats will be posted on this webpage and updated regularly.

3. Ads are purchased a month at a time, with the price adjusting at the start of each new month. To lock in a price, you may purchase several months at a time.

4. Provide ads as either gifs (can be animated) or jpegs to [email protected]. No flash ads please. Ad dimensions are posted on left. Ads can be hyperlinked at no additional cost back to your website, provided you include your URL in the email.

5. Payments can be made through Paypal and will be set up at the time of the order. To make other payment arrangements, contact Benjamin Hummel at [email protected].

6. Receive 10% off your next ad if you refer someone else to advertise with

7. If you would like help designing your ad, we can accommodate at $80/hr.
Simply indicate your needs in your query to [email protected].

Premium ads worth 2.5x no. of total ezine subscribers

Flat banner worth 2x

Square worth 1.5x

Button worth 1x

Microbutton worth .5x